
Lowongan Pekerjaan DRIVER

Lowongan Pekerjaan

Untuk posisi : DRIVER

Lowongan Pekerjaan DRIVER

Ringkasan : 
Jenis pekerjaan : 
-Transportation & Logistics / Driver

Tingkat Pendidikan :
-SMU / Sederajat

Batas Waktu Lamaran : 
-05 October 2019

Rincian : 
Lokasi :
-Bojonegoro East Java

Lokasi kerja : 
-Bojonegoro East Java

Posisi : 

Tipe pekerjaan : 
-Full time

Pengalaman kerja : 
-0-2 years experience

Batas Umur : 
-18 s/d 45 Tahun

Persyaratan pekerjaan : 
•Usia Maks 45 Tahun
•Pendidikan Min SMA
•Memiliki SIM A dan KTP
•Fotocopi Kartu Pencari Kerja AK-1 dari DISNAKER
•Mengetahui Prosedur berkendara yang aman
•Bersedia tinggal di jakarta
•Penempatan PT. Real Food Winta Asia Jakarta

Lamaran ditujukan ke alamat :


Alamat Perusahaan : 
Ruko Satelit Town Square A-29 Sukomanunggal, Surabaya. Surabaya East Java

Tentang Perusahaan :
REALFOOD is an Indonesian healthy food & beverage brand dedicated to bringing healthy lifestyle into our lives. We delicately and carefully select our ingredients from many indigenous islands of Indonesia. Exploring new places, finding authentic ingredients, and introducing it to the market are our passion. We are rooted in the social values of our company in which we believe that business should bring positive impacts; be it for a person, a family, or even a community.
Generasi Matoh(The Great Generation) or usually called as Ge-Ma is an initiative, idea, and hope for building a better generation through business. Realfood is called to make a difference and to empower generations through every purchase of our product. The idea is simple, for every purchase of our product, we will help provide education and food for the people in need.
This social movement targets small children who live under poverty line and whom don't have access to education in general. So many children we met along the way were so touched and impacted by this little act of giving. It made them believe that they can achieve such big things. Realfood has been very fortunate to be able to give and share hundreds of children a little happiness through this social movement so far. We always try to improve and adapt our giving according to the needs of the community so that what we share can be impactful on their lives.
Instagram Our Company : realfoodid or www.instagram.com/realfoodid/
Instagram Our Product : realfitid or www.instagram.com/realfitid/
Instagram GeMa : generasimatoh or www.instagram.com/generasimatoh/
Real Smile
Real Life
Real Change

Bergerak dibidang :
General Manufacturing

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